Swedish Massage
The Basali' Swedish Massage promotes health and well-being by relaxing muscle tension, increasing oxygen flow in the blood and releasing toxins from the muscles. Treatment 30 minutes
(45 min. booking time)
Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)

Deep Tissue Massage
The invigorating Deep Tissue massage manipulates certain muscles to remove lactic acid build up (which causes muscle fatigue) and restore muscle tone. It's a natural reliever of sore muscles. Treatment 30 minutes
(45 min. booking time)
Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)

Lymphatic Massage
Light, rhythmic strokes are used across the entire body to increase metabolic functioning, rid the body of toxins, and purify and regenerate tissue through lymphatic circulation massage. This aids in the body's infection - and disease-fighting ability and reduces swelling from injury or chronic conditions such as arthritis. Treatment 45 minutes
(60 min. booking time)
Prenatal Massage
Here's something the stork can't deliver - a customized hour for moms-to-be to aid in relaxation, a calmer state of mind and a restoration of the spirit. Specially designed to improve mobility and ease emotional and physical discomforts. (And anything that's good for Mom is good for Baby!) Special oils derived with Vitamin E are used to help prevent stretch marks. Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)
Aromatic Stone Massage
The Basali' Aromatic Stone massage is a deeper relaxation therapy that incorporates heat and aromatherapy to the massage experience, bringing mind and body into balance. Treatment 75 minutes
(90 min. booking time)
Relaxation Massage
The full body Basali' Relaxation Massage melts away any and all symptoms of stress, anxiety and muscle tension. Treatment 90 minutes
(105 min. booking time)
Shiatsu: Neck Tension and Pain Massage
A full body treatment designed to open blocked energy channels, with specific attention to neck tension and pain. Relieves physical fatigue, stimulates circulation and metabolic function, and reduces stress. Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)
Shiatsu: Backaches and Sciatica Massage
A full body treatment designed to open blocked energy channels, with specific attention to backaches and sciatica pain. Relieves pain and discomfort and increases overall well-being. Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)
Shiatsu: PMS Massage
A full body treatment designed to open blocked energy channels, with specific attention to relieving the symptoms of PMS while energizing and invigorating the body. Treatment 60 minutes
(75 min. booking time)

Hours of Operation
Call for start dates - Clinical aesthetics program

Tuesday - Saturday
Appointments strongly recommended.